
Goodmorning sunshines! I woke up for a couple of minutes ago. It feel good because i thought that i would sleep until 1 am. But plans for today is : go to Drottinghög to my cousins and then at 2.30 am take the buss to Lisa's place. And we will chill and take a coffee break at espresso house and mezo, she wants to go to mezo and i want to go to espresso house.
But it's time to eat becuase i'm ina hurry , i'll show you pictures. :) kiss

He's my king..


I know that I've show you this video before, but still it's not the same,
I found it for a couple of minutes ago, so I thought that I wanted to show you it again
Because his story has incure(?) (påverkat) me, I'm one of them.. and he's cring and me too.

it begins at 01.50
he said:

They told me that my story incures them.. .(and the girls are screaming, he's cring)
Tell me, who would thought that my  hard time would one day incur to all people.

he's such a good boy, I think it's so sad that many of the fans dosen't look what's inside,
because what i see is a great guy , a guy who's not afraid to show his feelings.
His story have incure me very mutch and everytime I hear the song it touch my heart everytime
and there music has helped me forget some things and that's why I love them..
He inspire me.. he's my male model. (förebild)
Joe is cring too.. omg i feel bad for the girls, I would die if I was there.

I like too show you a zip hood , and when I saw it I knew who they ment.
and on the back, you have all the speach.. and i cried when i saw it.

i can't find it :( i think it's sold out or something.. but it was like this
One Boy
One Speach
A Thousadns

and it's totally true.

my new phone

So i've forgot to tell you about my "new" cellphone. As many of you mabye know i have my lovely pink Sony ericsson z610i and i love it so mutch. But in April it's time for me to take a desision if i want to keep my pink phone or take a another and i've think about it and mabye i will take a iphone or a the new Lg or a Blackberry. So my dad said to me that he have a phone on his job and it's like the blackberry , so i thought why not try it? So the phone to your right side is my "comviq"
(E65) phone and i have it becuase all of my friends have comviq and i don't. So but for a couple of days ago my dad told me that he had a simcard and with this simcard i can call , sms  , mms and surf for free and i thought it was incredible. So this card is 3. And my pink phone is 3 too so now i could choose  witch phone i wanted to use . And i thought that it was better with the nokia E61i , becuase it's like a blackberry just want too try and it's a big screen too and better to read when i'm on different internet pages.
btw: when i saw how big (E61i) it was i thought no, i take my "comviq" phone insted but now i love it.. hiihi.


hey people, so i woke up at 10 today , wow! i thought that i would sleep until 1 pm. But i didn't and i like to wake up early , but not too early like when it's schooltime. But i watched tv, ellen ofcourse and oprah too , but just a little bit. So after 3 pm my mom called and said that i must be ready by 4 pm and go and take out the trashes. So idid that and it took me a half hour to make that so i went home and took a shower as fastes i could. Then we went to Väla. And i shopped. Wihoo, i haven't buy any colthes since last month , or more.. a month and a half i haven't spend money on clothes that's terrific. I'm proud of myself but today, i thought it was time to go and buy some new clothes and i bought 1 black long tunic fro BIK BOK and a black transparent tshirt with a pocket on the left side. I wanted the white one but it was sold out. But i'm so into shop the tshirt on there site. mabye i will. And a pair of jeans ,my mon bought them thanks mom ! So i will show you tomorrow , i'm happy now for some clothes , And i'm so loving black right now :) favorite colour. KISS

I just
love this pcture and I want this on my wall
above my bed and I think Joe looks so hot and i'm cold.


                                          ON TV3 NOW !
                        I'LL WRITE LATER ABOUT MY DAY !

my motto

                                                            si può fare tutto, ma l'unica questione è se si desidera


                      This must be X-tinas best song and performance
                          I really love this song it's so DIRRTY


 me like me like me like me like me like me like me like me like me like me like
                  best group ever and nicole is singing all alone.


okej people,.. jag måste skriva detta på svenska. för jag har bråttom !
Okej men vakande vid 1 sen så jag satte på kanal 5 och de visar Ellen Degenerers show. Hon e cool.
Så det e ganska nytt så jag kollade och så skulle Michelle Obama komma dit sen skulle JONAS BROTHERS KOMMA! Jag doooooooooooooooooog.  yes i did!. Så har aldrig sett den men ahr sett en annan show där de var med men jag vet inte om det är samma. men så ni vet titta om ni vill. :D + DOM SKA UPPTRÄDA.

hela familjen, mamma, frankie (lillebrodern) , kevin , joe , nick och Big Rob. (livvakt + e med i burnin up)


               Just because he's a Coca Cola Light fan, like me!
                Because everytime I see him drink something
                               it's always Coca Cola Light.
                          We have something in common.


This is a new about Nick Jonas and Miley Cyrus
she broke his heart and that's so rude.
I didn't like it at all! She would know better..
But he's so good , so lovely , love you.!

Sedan Miley Cyrus skrivit låten "7 things I hate about you"om hur expojkvännen Nick Jonas krossat hennes hjärta på sju olika sätt är relationen mellan de två unga stjärnorna ansträngd. Nu talar den yngsta Jonas-brorsan ut om sin stora besvikelse över sångerskans omtalade "hatlåt".
- Miley gjorde mig verkligen besviken. Jag tycker inte att det är rätt att hon försökte hoppa på mig offentligt. Hennes låt och beteende gjorde mig verkligen ledsen. Vi lovade varandra att inte säga något till någon om vår kärlek, säger han till tyska tidningen Bravo.

- Förhållandet skulle vara en grej mellan henne och mig som inte involverade någon annan. Ingen skulle någonsin få reda på det. Och nu det här... Jag trodde aldrig att hon skulle göra något sånt här. Lyckligtvis hjälpte mina bröder Kevin och Joe mig igenom allt.

Trots detta hävdar Nick att han fortfarande jobbar på att fortsätta vara kompis med Miley.

- Vår relation är okej, varken mer eller mindre. Jag försöker vara vän med henne. Hon är viktig för mig trots uppbrottet. Vi har ett band. Jag vill inte ge upp det. Jag vill bara att vi ska komma bra överens igen

i love this song..

                                  ZAC EFRON - SCREAM

hi people, i haven't been able to write , but today i have time, so i saw HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL3 on the big screen (22 OF OCTOBER) wow, it was amazing ! So good and i thought that i would cry, but i didn't but almost! This is one of my favorite songs it's from HSM3. He's hot when he does this scene, i couldn't show you because it was not availble(?).

So today i've been in LUND, (nova) with my gudmor..ï brought my brother a present because it his birthday tomorrow.
And then i came home , and now my brother  is here with his friends,and they have  a party. And i can't be here so i've got to go somewere so i will go to titts place and chill there with her. KISS.


                        I really miss JoJo and this song reminds me so mutch, 
                                  I wish she will release a new album
                                       good night last video for today


                                    Beyonce - If i were a boy
                                  She's so good and the video too
                                            amazing song

                              I don't know but my blog have become
                              a music blog , i hope you don't mind.


                                      Jonas Brothers - Lovebug

Finally, the video is released (19th of October yesterday) but I didn't find it
This video is cool, it's different and me like ! And the song seems too be very boring
but Isn't just look at 3.00 :) But watch the hole video for me !
And they are working on the other videos and that's why I always bring you the live performances.

so today i've done some taks on my biology and it took me 2 hours but i'm not done yet. But i'm proud.
And i'm waitning for my dad too come home so he can help me with my maths, and  then i'm done for today.
Now or soon it's time for THE HILLS. kissy

Nick is so hot in this video and i don't mean when he looks like a geek , no :)


hi people. I haven't done anything speciall today , just chillin' all day long. I have a lot of homeworks to do , like my biology , swedish, and the times is running of and i'm not doing anything i've become very lazy this week and insted of doing my homework i have done other stuff, but that's over now, so tomorrow i'll start with a new EFFI, so homeworks first then other stuff, so i don't think that i'm going to write tomorrow , i'll see mabye..

so tomorrow :
school - home at 13. pm
do my biology - the last questions of G-VG.
do some maths - mabye 10 tasks
do my english - some words

then chill.

  i miss greece , i miss summer , i don't want homeworks and i mean the swedish homework
because i'v got to do 3 articles untill next monday , so i feel pressure


                                             Miley & Mandy show ,
I think she's so cool and a very good singer and Mandy is her friend
(a hanna montana backround dancer) . It's really funny i love to watch theese videos.
If i had to switch life with a celebrity , i would pick Miley because i think that her life is so funny
and cool , :)  You can watch more videos on YOUTUBE.COM

I also like her hair it's so long and curly , i want to have my hair like that too and her style is very nice.

This picture isn't rare, it's art people.


OMG, This is so funny , becuase everytime someone is asking about  who they are dating
the answer is always - she's a good girl ..(but is always when they are asking Nick) 
and never say yes or no , and then Joe does the same , (he's kidding of course) , he's so funny.


Today its Zac Efrons birthday, the hottie is now
21 years old. you can watch HSM 1 AND 2 on television now :)
It's like a celebation for him ..
so it's time to eat now , and for dessert  ----------------  APPLEPIE.. :)


 Because Darin is back with new and fresh music, I was never a "fan" of him before,
but as many of you know i'm very week for this kind of music esspecially the first song..
I love it ,  And one day I was thinking about him and asked myself what the fuck is darin?
He just dissapear for a long time and I just thought he was done with he's career.. but I had obbviesly wrong
I hope you like his music , because his really good.


                          Jonas Brothers - That's just the way we roll

                                I woke up on my roof with my brothers - so clear.. loveit

                               There's a whale in the pool with my mother
                          And my dad paints the house different colors
                             Where would we be, if we couldn't dream?


hello everybody ! I'm just sitting here, doin' nothing. I was in school today , had some lessons , came home and called my grandfather because it's he's birthday today : happy birthday, love you really much! Today i have to do my homework (bilology) but on my computer of course ,i'm almost done but i'll do it after THE HILLS but don't miss 2 1/2 men at 19.00 and after that FRIENDS and later MAKE ME A SUPERMODEL , really good programs :) So i'll se you later i wish..

Big love too you guys..
You make my day..


i'm home

hello my buddies! As you know i've choose to write in engilsh , just for fun :) So I hope you enjoy. Let's start with my day  , first I was in school and I had two lessons only, becasue two of my teachers were not there , one of them were sick and the other was with an another class somwhere. So my day was finsihed at 11.10. It felt so good but , I didn't go home emidiatly , I stayed 2 hours with my friends and we were talking, kind of nice! But today I must do some things like my maths and an another homework , but i don't feel like I have the energy to do that , because I just want to chill alI day long , yeah right that's just a dream.. But got to eat know . se ya..
btw :  i'm so looking forward to see "make me a supermodel" because I thnik that Frankie is hot and I hope he wins the whole thing.

They will be on EMA, so please vote for them
I swear to god , that if they win for "best new act" as they are chosen to
I swear that I will take this blog seriously and make a scense of it.
Mabye change the design and make it look very good.
For thoose who is interested check on MTV.COM
And you can vote as many times you want too.


hejsan , idag har det vatt lite fullt upp som sagt ! Vaknade vid typ 11.30 åt sen gick jag ut med tidningarna, kom hem softa och åt middag , sen va jag i DR hos mina kusiner & kom hem vid 21.00 typ. Men ska typ ta och måla naglarna nu vi ses..

Jag verkligen rös när jag såg detta...
I'm happy that Britney is back !
Förebilden min , när jag var yngre..och nu med !
Tänkte att jag ska börja skriva på engelska
bara för skojs skull , så jag börjar imorgon !


hejsan , fixar mig inför festen nu , känner mig riktigt taggad ! Hade faktiskt inte så lust innan men nu känns allt bra hahah! Har fört över JONAS BROTHERS musik till min mobil och använder mina underbara högtalare ( från sony ercisson) asså fatta så bra dom är det e värsta basen i rummet .. ahha det e synd om  mina förerldrar och bror , framföver kommer dom få höra värsta JB musiken , ahhaha asså åååhh jag e så jävla glad, dom gör mig riktigt glad av musiken , lyssnar på insepreable nu.. :) men se yaa måste fixa migg...

love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you.



                                Intervju med Jonas Brothers

btw , blir det fest idag , ni anar inte hur mycket jag ahr längtat efter denna fest !

Jag måste hitta den affichen ! Har sett den med Zac Efron på Gallerix så hoppas dom har den!


                                         Nick Jonas - Dear God 
Detta är då han blev upptäckt, har för mig att Nick & hans pappa som är musker skrev denna låt tillsammans
tänk att redan då , kunde han då , detta är innan JONAS BROTHERS blev till ,
 Detta kallar jag talang..

                                Intervju med JONAS BROTHERS

okej får nog ta och slita mig ifrån datorn , måste fixa mig ska på grekisk fest !
Ni anar inte huuuur mycket jag ahr väntat tills grekisk fest det e typ världens höjdpunkt!
så titti ska med och två kompisar till henne så , det kommer bli så kul :)


                              Jonas Brothers - inseparable
i love this song, i love this song , i love this song , i love this song, i love this song
Älskar efter 02,28 , där e musiken så jävla bra , trummorna och gittaren rockar där asså !


                                           Jonas Brothers - Sorry

& visst e Nick grym på trummor? Han spelar tre olika instrument
piano , gitarr & trummor. Älskar hans röst i denna video
Lyssna på hela så kan ni jämnföra låtaran och lyssna på texterna för
dom macthar faktiskt! Gillar Sorry mer .. om jag ska vara ärlig:

& detta skrev ett fan på youtube som kommentar..

yeah, this is about miley.
because she wrote "7 things", and then he wrote "sorry" to say he was sorry.
if you watch an interview, miley said she "doesnt know but might get a response" and she did, it was this song.
also, the lyrics are similar. example:
7 things- "and now were standing in the rain."
sorry- "knowing that i am to blame for leaving your heart out in the rain"
i love NILEY! :)

Så Miley skrev "7things".. till honom , gulligt ha?

Hon har hans halsband , ring och fotot är han med på men det har hon täckt..


 Försöker prata svenska, riktigt roligt, inte visste jag att det var så svårt ..


godmorgon, vakna för ca: 10 minuter sen. Fast jag halv sov sedan 09.30. Men tänkte göra en planering om vad som ska ske idag :

x Dela ut tidningarna (gjorde det aldrig igår för det regnade och så palla jag inte bli blöt)
x plugga 2,5 timme  No, SO och engelska grammatik & glosor
x göra något- säger inte vad.
x träna på joggingbandet (20 min)
x duscha
x softa och titta på tv.



amen hejsan , har typ inte orkar /haft tid att blogga, så ja helgen har gått snabbt , såg  CAMP ROCK i fredags(igen) , lika bra som alltid :) - lovelovelovelovevloveit. Ja sen gick jag upp tidigt och såg bakom kulisserna på Camp Rock. Typ inget liv , men sen visade live i London och så grät jag där igen när dom sjöng "when you look me in the eyes"loveloveloveit, typ inget liv. Sen så har jag även pluggat inför SO och NO provet , yepp , inget liv. Okej får typ sluta nu med inget liv, det e skoj för er som inte fattar , ahr tråkigt. Men fått ny d-a-t-o-r inte d-a-t-a-s-k-ä-r-m , och den äger för fullt! Nu kan jag äntligen ladda upp bilder och så går det inte segt den e jävligt tyst också , jag tackar pappa! ÅHH,, blev jätte glad , :)
Men imorgon e det studiedag, ska studera, slappa hemma ganska skönt. Ska nog se en film idag blir nog STEP UP 2
har inte 1:( , gillar den bättre , speciellt den scenen. Då hon säger catch me.. ååh dör. Men japp  ska nog ta och duscka nu, seya.

 Love you guys, and I swear I will do it forever
Denna bild pryder min fina bakrund..

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