i'm back

hejsan, typ hundra år sen jag skrev men ahr faktiskt inte haft tid, massa prov läxor, sabinas födelsedag , kevin vann idol lövelööööve ,mormor & morfar har kommit. Yes. Men sånt e livet snart e det jullooooov.  Men gick nyss in på jonasbrothers.com och gick in på den nya sidan Changeforthechildrenfoundation.org. Ni vet den Tshirten jag beställt som inte kommit ännu? ( har JB märket på både på framsidan och baksidan med vingar), va med där och det har skapat en ny sida där de säljer den där. Jag dog när jag gick in och mitt hjärta bara sprack i tusen bitar blev helt tårögd. Vet ni varför? Jo,  för att självaste Nick , har skrivit en text om hur han fick Diabetes och ni vet hur jag känner inför det, både låten och allt. Jag läste igenom och tänkte vilken kille alltså, så jävla bra kille, en som bryr sig om andra som vill hjälpa andra, och liksom det hela är jätte sorligt ,det är som i videon, man dör.Och här är ett stycke ur sidan om ni vill se gå in på Changeforthechildren.org sen på LEARN ABPUT NICK AND D- VISION. Kollektionen kallas D-collection , (diabetes)


I appreciate that I have a platform to be able to share my story. I have this passion to be able to share with young people my age and be a positive light in a situation that might not be so positive. I've heard stories about kids who were in depression because after they got diagnosed they were just so upset about what was going on. That just touched my heart, and I wanted to be able to do something about it. I hope that I can be that positive light.

I know that Diabetes is a huge part of my life and I can't just forget about it, obviously. I have to keep taking care of it and managing it, and learning more things about it. Hopefully one day they'll come up with some type of cure, and I hope I'll be one of the first to know about it.

To anyone out there who has been diagnosed, don't let it slow you down at all. I made a promise to myself on the way to the hospital that I wouldn't let this thing slow me down and I'd just keep moving forward, and that's what I did. Just keep a positive attitude and keep moving forward with it. Don't be discouraged.

So that's my story and what D-Vision is all about. I have a chance to help others in my situation. Thanks for taking the time to learn and for any support you can give.

P.S. You might know the song "A Little Bit Longer." I wrote it on one of those days when my blood sugar was a little out of control and I was kind of bumming. I walked by this room we were staying at, and it was so weird - all of a sudden there was this big ballroom with a piano in it. So I went in there, sat down at the piano and wrote the song. Here are the lyrics I wrote that day...


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