Jag vet jag skulle ut, men det kommer alltid något i vägen som Jonas Brothers. Gick nyss in på BTWWWWWWW MANCHETSER SATTE NYTT MÅÅÅÅÅÅÅL HERREGUD SÅ GLAD..:)
sorry haha, var tvungen jag hörde skrik från vardagsrummet..Men jag gick in och såg detta, jag säger bara en sak jag längtar så otroligt mycket , ni anar inte HUR mycket när jag ser detta.

The first single, "Paranoid," is a guitar driven dance evoking song, and the entire CD is a veritable smorgasbord of pop and rock gems. SLÄPPS 8 MAJ.. (12 maj på itunes)
Denna låt ser jag mest framemot..GUD.
"World War III" is a funk metaphor for a confrontational relationship. Written by Nick Jonas, he asserts, "This is a personal experience for me. 'World War III' deals with the challenge of a girl who keeps attacking you, provoking you, trying to fight you, but all the while she's the only one fighting." - klockrent, när han skriver är det som om Gud skrivit låten, den killen inspirerar mig så att jag kan gråta vilken minut som helst.
"Fly With Me" which is also the end title credit for the upcoming "Night At The Museum 2" film (due in theaters May 22), was written by Jonas Brothers and their bass player Greg Garbowsky, and is sure to become a love song for the ages.  Rolling Stone described the ultracatchy "Poison Ivy" as a "Weezer-ish tune about a toxic girl that you can't resist."
"Hey Baby" is a classic "she done him wrong" song written entirely by Jonas Brothers.


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